eng101 grand quiz | eng 101 quiz | grand quiz 2021


English Comprehension (ENG101)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

eng101 grand quiz | eng 101 quiz | grand quiz 2021
eng101 grand quiz

1.     Fill in the blank with appropriate verb given below.
A high percentage of the population ________ voting for the new school.

1.     is

2.     are

3.     am

4.     be

2.     Logical and analytical ability of a new programmer is revealed via his/her flowcharting skill.

1.     TRUE

2.     FALSE

3.     Rearrange and form negative sentence in Simple Present.

1.     Harry does not cause trouble.

2.     Does Harry cause trouble?

4.     Fill in the blank with appropriate verb given below.
Airport x-ray devices ________ designed more carefully in order to detect the more sophisticated forms of explosive materials that are now produced.

1.     must have been being

2.     must

3.     must be

4.     must have been

5.     Choose the best answer.

What is a dictionary?

1.     A list of words with pictures showing what the words mean.

2.     A list of words and their meanings arranged in order of size.

3.     A list of words and their meanings arranged alphabetically.

4.     None of the given

6.     Every writer has a ________ and you as a reader must recognize it.

1.     purpose

2.     technique

3.     method

4.     None of the given

7.     My grandparents have been married ________ forty-nine years.

1.     for

2.     since

3.     until

4.     about

8.     Choose the correct option.
When you push yourself to slow reading, the comprehension level ________.

1.     falls

2.     rises

3.     inclines

4.     None of the given

9.     An outline is like a ________ which helps the writer to put flesh around it.

1.     Skelton

2.     Star

3.     Frame

4.     Backbone

10. Rearrange and form negative sentence in Simple Present.
the book / to me / belong

1.     The book does not belong to me.

2.     The book belongs to me.

11. After she walked two miles, she felt ________. After she walked ten miles, she felt ________.

1.     tired, exhausted

2.     thirsty, happy

3.     tired, angry

4.     sad, tired

12. Choose the correct option.

The process of note-making forces you to:

1.     Summarize ideas and arguments.

2.     Select points relevant to your purposes.

3.     Understand and interpret the original source.

4.     All of the given

13. Fill in the blank with appropriate answer.
The professor became so forceful, so ________ in his expression of opinions, that students began to leave his course.

1.     dormant

2.     dogmatic

3.     credible

4.     lucid

14. The most important sentence in an essay is:

1.     The thesis sentence in the introduction

2.     The final sentence of the conclusion

3.     The first sentence of the introduction

4.     The first topic sentence in body paragraph one

15. Mark the statement 'True' or 'False'.
In English Language there are 24 vowel phonemes.

1.     True

2.     False

16. Identify the Proper Noun in the given sentence.

A fair little girl sat under an apple tree.

1.     apple

2.     under

3.     sat

4.     fair

17. The service at this restaurant is excellent. ________, the food is delicious.

1.     However

2.     Moreover

3.     Furthermore

4.     In addition

18. Complete the sentence by choosing the best option.

The child spoke ________ about her trip to Disney land.

1.     energize

2.     energetically

3.     energy

4.     energetic

19. Fill in the blank with the most appropriate option:
In cloze without blanks, the symbol ________ is used to mark the place where you think the word has been omitted.

1.     ( )

2.     #

3.     *

4.     /

20. There is no reason ________ anyone should behave so cruelly.

1.     which

2.     because

3.     that

4.     why

21. Choose the best option for given statement.
Jack is ________ upset about losing his keys.

1.     sadly

2.     loudly

3.     extremely

4.     ferociously

22. The writer speaks to the reader in the form of ________.

1.     words

2.     pictures

3.     para linguistics

4.     None of the given

23. In the word, "Inappropriateness" the stem word is ________.

1.     In

2.     Appropriate

3.     Ness

4.     Appropriately

24. Choose the correct option from the following:
Read the following statement and then point out that nature of statement.
The earth is the third planet from sun.

1.     Fact

2.     Opinion

3.     Assumption

4.     Discovery

25. Choose the correct option from the following.
Value-words often represent ________.

1.     Opinions

2.     Facts

3.     Opinions and facts

4.     None of the given

26. After Paul Walker's unfortunate death shooting of the movie franchise of fast and furious was put ________.

1.     In

2.     Out

3.     Off

4.     Upto

27. What is the best way to punctuate the following sentence?

1.     The class was comprised of thirty two students.

2.     The class was comprised of thirty-two students

3.     The class was comprised of thirty - two students.

4.     The class was compromised (of thirty_two students).

28. Fill in the blank with the correct spelling of the word from the given option.
I will ________ my body with oil.

1.     anoint

2.     onnoint

3.     annoit

4.     enoint

29. Read the cause in the given situation and choose the effect.
She was in a hurry riding her bike, so she carried her viola across the handlebars. She failed to see the rock on the street in front of her.

1.     The viola did not fall off the bike.

2.     The rock did not get in the girl's way.

3.     The girl got off her bike to take a break.

4.     The girl fell off her bike.

30. Flowcharting symbols are connected together by means of ________.

1.     flow lines

2.     flow diagrams

3.     flow equations

4.     flow chart

31. Find the correctly spelt word.

1.     Palete

2.     Palet

3.     Palate

4.     Pelate

32. The words that are pronounced the same, or almost the same, but are spelled differently and are different in meaning are called ________.

1.     homonyms

2.     homophones

3.     synonyms

4.     hyponyms

33. The matter was reported to chief of police, who ordered us all to be arrested. What does 'who' refer to?

1.     us

2.     chief of police

3.     matter

4.     all

34. Complete the following sentences using appropriate preposition.
Is your brother ________ home.

1.     in

2.     at

3.     among

4.     on

35. Choose the correct option.

In Wal Mart we can find all necessities of life in various ________ and made.

1.     designs

2.     designer

3.     designed

4.     designation

36. Choose the best option.
Do you know who you will ________ for in the election?

1.     voting

2.     voted

3.     vote

4.     voter

37. In the word,"Uncomfortable" the stem word is ________.

1.     Un

2.     Comfort

3.     Able

4.     Comfortable

38. Tell whether the given statement is Fact or Opinion:
The rising crime rate is a sign of the times.

1.     fact

2.     opinion

39. Mark the statement as 'True' or 'False'.
There are 5 short vowels in English language.

1.     True

2.     False

40. Choose the correct option from the following, by keeping in mind that the conjunctions and transitions are used to express cause and effect.

Hemp was grown throughout history ________ its versatility; it can be used to make many different things.

1.     Due to

2.     Beacause

3.     Since

4.     As a result

41. Bob doesn't like soup and Tom ________.

1.     doesn't neither

2.     doesn't either

3.     doesn't

4.     doesn't too

42. Choose the correct option from the following.
Sometimes a writers tells us about his characters by ________ them to something else which calls up an image in our minds or by associating them with some idea or object.

1.     Comparing

2.     Supporting

3.     Assisting

4.     Comparing and Assisting

43. Mark the following as 'True' or 'False'.

A sentence that expresses the main idea of the paragraph in which it occurs is called a topic sentence.

1.     True

2.     False

44. I prefer reading; ________ I believe that it is the one and only method with which to tone up my language.

1.     in contrast

2.     in comparison

3.     on the condition

4.     in as much as

45. Choose the correct option: Synonym of 'snap' is

1.     Stitch

2.     Break

3.     Twist

4.     Snick

46. As we approached the swamp, ________.

1.     frogs could be heard croaking

2.     we could hear frogs croaking

3.     we were hearing the frogs croaking

4.     frogs were heard croaking

47. He is quite a generous fellow, ________ his spouse is a shockingly selfish individual.

1.     in comparison with

2.     on the contrary

3.     as compared to

4.     as well as

48. What is the antonym of Presumptuous?

1.     Trifling

2.     Contemptuous

3.     Whimsical

4.     Unassuming

49. Choose the correct meaning of the given word.

1.     Old friend

2.     To call someone

3.     To breathe out

4.     A hail storm

50. With reference to computers, the word 'memory' means ________.

1.     ideas

2.     internal storage

3.     brainstorming

4.     None of the given

51. Mark the following as 'True' or 'False'.

A topic sentence is always the last sentence of a paragraph.

1.     True

2.     False

52. In which of the following words "h" is silent while pronouncing it?

1.     Hall

2.     Heir

3.     Hegemony

4.     Hitch

53. Vocalization is a sure sign that the reader is a/an ________ reader.

1.     intelligent

2.     efficient

3.     slow

4.     poor

54. The abbreviation 'btw' means ________.

1.     between

2.     Beethoven

3.     by the way

4.     by the worth

55. Complete the sentence by choosing the best option.
The children are tired ________ happy after their trip to the zoo.

1.     as

2.     since

3.     if

4.     but

56. Find the word which is pronounced differently from the other sounds.

1.     Through

2.     Laugh

3.     Tough

4.     Enough

57. Choose the best option.
Another word for program errors is ________.

1.     bugs

2.     algorithms

3.     robots

4.     coding sheets

58. Choose the correct option
________ shows the relationship between nouns and pronouns and their verbs and between nouns and their corresponding pronouns.

1.     Reference

2.     Agreement

3.     Stress

4.     Verb

59. A painter/photographer has easier task than a writer because he presents his ideas ________.

1.     indirectly

2.     directly

3.     indirectly and directly

4.     None of the given

60. Choose the option which the word in commas refers to in the given sentence.

I bought a book from a book fair 'that' cost Rs. 400 to me.

1.     Book

2.     Book fair

3.     I

4.     Me

61. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition of time.
Spanish is a ________. Spain is a ________.

1.     Man . . . Place

2.     Country . . . City

3.     Ocean . . . State

4.     Language . . . Country

62. Select the option that best describes that sentence.
Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every summer over where they should spend their summer vacation.

1.     Simple Sentence

2.     Compound Sentence

3.     Complex Sentence

4.     Compound-Complex Sentence

63. Doing practice on 'making inferences' not only makes you better reader but also a ________.

1.     strong thinker

2.     decisive person

3.     active participant

4.     None of the given

64. A head word is ________.

1.     The first syallable with semantic meaning in a word, e.g. un-, dis- re-

2.     The 'main' word in a phrasal verb.

3.     A word connected with the brain and its functions.

4.     The root word, or first word in a dictionary entry.

65. A good paragraph makes a point at the beginning and then moves on to ________.

1.     Generalization

2.     Specific evidence

3.     Both of the above

4.     None of the given

66. Tell the Antonym of the word given in capital letters.
I can't believe how SELFISH some people can be.

1.     timid

2.     generous

3.     mean

4.     stingy

67. Yesterday, after the party, he ________ home.

1.     goes

2.     went

3.     has gone

4.     had gone

68. Choose the correct option from the following.
Antonio had memorized his lines for the play, but he was still ________.

1.     nervous

2.     bold

3.     thirsty

4.     sad

69. Choose the best option.
Napoleon was ________ in Italy.

1.     victory

2.     win

3.     victorious

4.     victor

70. What are synonyms?

1.     Words that sound the same but have different meaning

2.     Words that are spelled the same way

3.     Words that mean almost the same thing

4.     Words that are opposites

71. Which of the following best describes a fact?

1.     The feelings of the main character.

2.     Something that can be proven.

3.     Something that can't be proven.

4.     How much the main character likes something.

72. Select the correct answer:

This is a ________ movie.

1.     new Italian wonderful

2.     wonderful Italian new

3.     wonderful new Italian

4.     Italian wonderful new

73. Complete the given sentence by using the correct form of word.
He's very much ________ in scientific subjects.

1.     interesting

2.     interest

3.     interested

4.     entrusted

74. Select the option which best describes the sentence.
The airport is about to shut down because of the snow and if the plane doesn't land soon it will have to go on to Boston.

1.     snow; and

2.     snow, and

3.     This sentence is correct

4.     snow. And

75. My irrespons________ little brother is usually kept away from anything break________.

1.     -ible, -able

2.     -ive, -able

3.     -able, -ed

4.     -able, -ing

76. Choose the correct option from the following:
Making notes for essay writing requires you to be ________ to the pattern of thought, its direction and development.

1.     passive

2.     half-attentive

3.     sleepy

4.     alert

77. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct connector.
Hina seems to be quite clever ________, she often gets low marks.

1.     furthermore

2.     nevertheless

3.     moreover

4.     that

78. Which one of the following is not an ADJECTIVE?

1.     Beautiful

2.     Honourable

3.     Intelligent

4.     Quickly

79. Choose the root/base word of the given word.

1.     Ir

2.     Replace

3.     Place

4.     Able

80. Find the correctly spelt word.

1.     Indipensable

2.     Indipenseble

3.     Indispansible

4.     Indispensable

81. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the idiomatic phrase.
I don't agree with you, but your idea certainly gives me food ________.

for thought

82. How many syllables are there in the word 'Technology'?


83. How many vowel phonemes are there in English?


84. My parents have been married ________ forty-nine years.


85. Choose the correct option from the following.
One cause of slow reading is ________, which means forming the sounds of each word even though you may not say them aloud.


86. Your comprehension will not suffer if you read ________.


87. Which is true of the following example?
"Boys will be boys"

This sentence shows repetition.

88. Choose the correct option from the following:
Specific slang is used by ________.

limited social groups

89. No writing can ever teach you everything you know.


90. Choose the best answer.
What is a foreign language dictionary?

All of the given

91. Which of the following is correct option for the given construction:
The bell rang, the wrestlers returned to the ring.

Comma splice

92. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option.
As he was not prepared for making a speech, he broke ________ in the middle.


93. One cause of slow reading is ________.


94. Choose the correct option.
It was decided to ________ the meeting until after lunch.


95. ________ is the extar force used in pronouncing or speaking a particular word.


96. Complete the following sentence by choosing the best option.
This is the best book ________.

of any others in History

97. Choose the best option.
Who ________ the correct answer.


98. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct option.
Though the two fingerprints were quite ________, they were not a perfect match, so no identification could be made.


99. Mark the statement as 'True' or 'False'.
A topic sentence is always the last sentence of paragraph.


100. In order to evaluate a text, the student must be able to discriminate facts from ________.


101.   Choose the best option.

They love English weather, ________.

are they?

102. Select the appropriate conjunction to complete the sentences.
Continued high-blood pressure is dangerous ________ it can increase the risk of heart disease and stroke.


103.    How many long vowels are there in English?


104.This is my ________ vacation plan: I'm going to San Francisco for a week.


105.  The suffix in the words 'Fatalism and Methodism' has the meaning:

state, quality, action

106. There is a ________ difference between written and spoken English.


107. As much as she wanted to listen to both speakers, she couldn't because the talks were ________.


108.Choose the best substitute for the wordy expression given in the brackets.
The performance of our players was rather (worst than I had expected).

worse than expectation

109.Which of the following is a fact?

Dancing is forbidden in some societies.

110.                    The subject of the whole paragraph is called:

Topic of Paragraph

111.  Choose the correct option from the following:
Which of the following is not part of an essay?


112. Complete the sentence by choosing the best option.
Those thugs should be arrested ________ they will continue to terrorize the residents here.


113.  Choose the correct option.
A/An ________ essay primarily presents a firm event or situation in detail to the reader.


114.  A compound-complex sentence is characterized by what?

At least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

115. We waited one hour for the ________ (arrive) of the train.


116.Choose the correct option.

It is snowing today ________ there are no buses and I can't come to school.


117.The term 'Groups' has long been a pivotal concept of ________.


118. The laboratory is not only equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instruments ________ renowned scientists.

but also with

119. Complete the sentence by choosing the best option.
The children at the deaf-mute center can ________ hear ________ speak.


120. Select the correct punctuated option which best describes the sentence.
The head of state and the religious leader were often the same person all power rested in one ruler.

person; all

121.   If the writer tries to divert the audience's attention from the true issue by presenting evidence that has nothing to do with the argument, this is called ________ fallacy, which ignores the issue.

1.     Changing the subject

2.     Circular reasoning

3.     Personal attack

4.     Bluffing

122. "Newton imagined light to ________ of particles emitted from luminous bodies."

The word that best fits the meaning of the blank in this sentence is:

1.     assist

2.     consist

3.     desist

4.     persist

123.Which is the correct spelling?

1.     Bureaucracy

2.     Beriucracy

3.     Bereaucracy

4.     Bureauracy

124. One of the chief features of good writing is ________.

1.     clarity

2.     superficiality

3.     obscurity

4.     All of the given

125.Mark the following as 'True' or 'False'.

There are some words in English which have the same spelling but belong to different parts of speech because they are stressed differently.

1.     True

2.     False

126.  Choose the root/base word of the given word.


1.     Un

2.     Peach

3.     Able

4.     Impeach

127. Fill in the blank with an appropriate transitional marker.

People use 43 muscles when they frown; ________ they use only 28 musclrs when they smile.

1.     However

2.     Therefore

3.     And

4.     If

128. Eucalyptus and Quinine are often hailed as wonder medicine by herbalists for their "prophylactio" effects.
The words enclosed in inverted commas mean ________.

1.     Encouraging

2.     Marvelous

3.     Wondrous

4.     Preventative

129.    An outline, with its indention and numbering system helps you to ________ the way each idea is related to the others.

1.     visualize

2.     rectify

3.     support

4.     exploit

130.  Rearrange and form negative sentences in Simple Present.

1.     Do you carry a box?

2.     You do not carry a box.

131.  Recall your knowledge of making inferences and choose the best option.

"I see most of my students one day each week. They come to my studio to learn. We use the piano in my studio."
The speaker is ________.

1.     Piano teacher

2.     Math's teacher

3.     Peon

4.     Principal

132.    Select COMPARITIVE forms of given adjectives.

1.     Younger

2.     Youngest

3.     Young

4.     None of the given

133. Where are Jordan and Michael? They ________ gone to the library.

1.     had

2.     have

3.     has

4.     has been

134.Identify the grammatical error in the following sentence. Keep in mind that there is one error. ,br /> There has been surprisingly little research on anorexia nervosa; only 15 comparative trials published in the last 20 years.

1.     Punctuation error

2.     Sentence fragment

3.     Pronoun reference error

4.     Dangling modifier

135. Select the answer that best explains the metaphorical meaning of the given idiom.

Ivory tower

1.     remote from everyday affairs

2.     at the top of the hierarchy

3.     unattainable goal

4.     expensive and exotic place

136. If writers use an outline to organize their writing clearly, their readers should be able to ________ the organization of writing.

1.     identify

2.     analyze

3.     comprehend

4.     All of the given

137.  Which choice has the closest meaning with the word given in bracket?

1.     Search for it

2.     Find it

3.     Put it

4.     Return it

138.   Words and figures ________ into visual aids.

1.     can be converted

2.     cannot be converted

3.     can partially be converted

4.     None of the given

139.  What is the definition of EFFECT?

1.     The reason of something happened in a given situation

2.     The effect of what happened in a given situation

3.     The result of what happened in a given situation

4.     The order of events in a given situation


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