eng201 grand quiz | grand quiz 2021 | grand quiz


Business and Technical English Writing (ENG201)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

eng201 grand quiz | grand quiz 2021 | grand quiz

eng201 grand quiz

  1. While writing a document ________ is written at the begning of the document.
    1. personal detail
    2. statement of objective
    3. experience
    4. educational qualificaltion
  2. Choose the rightly punctuated sentence.
    1. I can't see Tim's car, there must have been an accident.
    2. I can't see Tim's car; there must have been an accident.
    3. I can't see Tim's car there must have been an accident.
    4. I can't see Tim's car: there must have been an accident.
  3. A ________ sentence expresses one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
    1. compound
    2. single
    3. complex
    4. simple
  4. Choose the correct option from the following:
    In report writing the conclusions grow out of interpretations of the facts and recommendations grow out of ________.
    1. Facts
    2. Recommendations
    3. Interpretations
    4. Conclusions
  5. ________ stems from a sincere you-attitude. It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertion of 'please' and 'thank you', but applying socially accepted manners is also a form of it.
    1. Courtesy
    2. Coherence
    3. Consideration
    4. Complete
  6. ________ can be achieved if the document is theoretically accurate and represents the subject very well.
    1. Document Accuracy
    2. Stylistic Accuracy
    3. Technical Accuracy
    4. Structural clarity
  7. ________ is not one of the 7 C's of communication.
    1. Character
    2. Clarity
    3. Conciseness
    4. Correctness
  8. When your letter extends onto a second page you should use ________ for the second page.
    1. Plain Paper
    2. plain or colored paper
    3. colored paper
    4. letterhead
  9. Everyone on the bus ________ annoyed by the little boy running up and down the aisle.
    1. was
    2. were
  10. Which of the following you shoild avoid when you are responding to a claim and your company is at fault?
    1. Keeping lines of communication open
    2. Making a big apology
    3. Acknowledging receipt of customer's claim
    4. Sympathizing with the customer's inconvenience
  11. I ________ your gift if you let me pay for my lunch.
    1. except
    2. accept
  12. Which of the following can be achieved by expressing ideas logically and in a specific pattern?
    1. Clarity
    2. Coherence
    3. Conciseness
    4. Accuracy
  13. Choose the correct option from the following:
    ________ share a general document architecture, which is usually modified to suit specific circumstances.
    1. Proposals
    2. End matter
    3. Introduction
    4. Report
  14. Communicating concretely does not mean being ________.
    1. vague and general in one's writing
    2. direct and explicit in one's writing
    3. specific and definite in one's writing
    4. All of the given
  15. Choose the correct option:

    The population of Tokyo is ________ town in the world.
    1. greater than all other
    2. greater than those of any other
    3. greater than any other
    4. greater than that of any other
  16. Kareem is rich; ________, his cousin Kate is poor.
    1. but
    2. and
    3. so
    4. however
  17. An effective statement of purpose should be:
    1. Specific
    2. Concise
    3. Clear
    4. All of the given
  18. I need to wear reading glasses. Nevertheless, I hate how I look in them.

    It is an example ________.
    1. compound adjective
    2. dangling modifier
    3. coordinate conjunction
    4. transition Words and Phrases
  19. tasks of locating, understanding, and using information in many ways while reading a business document.
    1. False
    2. True
  20. Accuracy, which is the careful conforming to truth or fact, has three main aspects which include document accuracy, stylistic accuracy and ________.
    1. technical
    2. structural
    3. contextual
    4. grammatical
  21. Written language is more ________ and generally follows a standardized grammar, structure, organization, and vocabulary.
    1. restricted
    2. free
  22. ________ accuracy refers to the proper coverage of your topics in appropriate detail.
    1. Document
    2. Stylistic
    3. Technical
    4. All of the given
  23. Communication that seems inconsequential can become very imprtant if information it contains is ________.
    1. inappropriate but grammatically correct
    2. complete and effective
    3. full of facts and business jargons
    4. concise but incomplete
  24. Effective business communication is not ________.
    1. audience-focused
    2. purpose-driven
    3. writer-focused
    4. concise
  25. Oral communication is also known as ________.
    1. non-verbal communication
    2. face-to-face communication
    3. impersonal communication
    4. verbal communication
  26. Stylistic accuracy is one of the main aspects of written accuracy.
    1. False
    2. True
  27. Which 'transitional word' is used to show 'comparison and contrast'?
    1. in other words
    2. at the same time
    3. especially
    4. conversely
  28. ________ includes Doctoral dissertions, scholarly articles, top-level government agreements etc.
    1. Formal writing
    2. Informal writing
    3. Conventional writing
    4. Prosaic writing
  29. ________ accuracy depends on the writer's conceptual mastery of the subject and its vocabulary, as well as on his or her ability to analyze and shape data with a minimum of distortion.
    1. Stylistic
    2. Document
    3. Technical
    4. Grammatical
  30. Select the right option to fill in the blank.
    My brother likes maths ________ he doesn't like history.
    1. but
    2. rather
    3. or
    4. because
  31. Fill in the blank with appropriate option to ensure concreteness.
    The contract ________.
    1. had a requirement of 2 years
    2. required 2 years
    3. has a requirement of 2 years
    4. require 2 years
  32. Courtesy means only thinking about receiver and not valuing his feelings.
    1. True
    2. False
  33. Mark the statement as true/false.
    The paragraph is one of the most powerful instruments of coherence.
    1. True
    2. False
  34. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
    1. Today is Tuesday, April 14 2014.
    2. Today is Tuesday, April 14, 2014.
    3. Today, is Tuesday, April 14, 2014.
    4. Today, is Tuesday April 14, 2014.
  35. Which one of the following makes use of denotative words instead of connotative words?
    1. Clarity
    2. Conciseness
    3. Concreteness
    4. Courtesy
  36. Which one of the following phrases are likely to offend and should be avoided?
    1. We allow, we must reject
    2. I prefer, we must deny
    3. I must refuse, we must deny
    4. We welcome, I must refuse
  37. Choose the correct option for the following wordy expression.
    ________is a short, familiar and conversational word for 'have need for'.
    1. Desire
    2. Need
    3. Soon
    4. Because
  38. Which of the following can be defined as follows? “It is not merely politeness with mechanical insertion of ‘please’ and ‘thank you’, rather it is politeness that grows out of respect and concern for others.”
    1. Clarity
    2. Courtesy
    3. Consideration
    4. Credibility
  39. Choose the best option:
    Usually technical-information letters announce ________.
    1. list of the urgent tasks
    2. company's procedures
    3. technical information
    4. information for the customers
  40. If you expect your audience to ________ withyou, use a struct that focuses attention on conclusion.
    1. argue
    2. confront
    3. disagree
    4. agree
  41. ________ is like an abstract in a report, briefly telling about the product or service and how it meets the requirements and exceeds expectations.
    1. Market Analysis
    2. Executive Summary
    3. Market Plan
    4. Financial Plan
  42. In writing commercial correspondence, it is important to employ a friendly yet efficient ________.
    1. emotion
    2. mood
    3. tone
    4. feeling
  43. Choose the most relevant option from the following for the phrase given below.
    Choppy prose usually:
    1. imparts a good impression.
    2. lowers the quality of writing.
    3. enhances reader's understanding.
    4. fills the communication barriers.
  44. Choose the correct option from the following: The seven C’s apply to ________.
    1. Both written and oral communications
    2. Only oral communication
    3. Only written communication
    4. None of above
  45. A good technical communication is ________.
    1. accurate
    2. clear
    3. concise
    4. all of the given
  46. The purpose of ________ is to get the meaning from your head accurately to the reader.
    1. clarity
    2. coherence
    3. conciseness
    4. unity
  47. Which of the following sentences contains figurative expression?
    1. She was a good team player.
    2. She presented good leading skills.
    3. Her work in groups was exemplary.
    4. She could be called the spark plug of the group.
  48. Solicited and unsolicited are types of ________.
    1. memos
    2. informal reports
    3. letters
    4. formal reports
  49. The performance of our players was rather ________.
    1. worst than I had expected
    2. bad as I had expected
    3. worse than I had expected
    4. worse than expectation
  50. Which of the following is not a part of indirect plan for bad news messages?
    1. A buffer
    2. A clear statement of the bad news
    3. A clear, diplomatic statement of the negative decision
    4. A helpful, friendly, and positive close
  51. If you were writing a brief progress report to a client (for example, you are an independent consultant doing a project for another firm), which one of the following formats would you use?
    1. Business letter
    2. Memorandum
    3. Cover memorandum with the progress report as a separate, attached document
    4. None of the given
  52. Fill in the gap by adding suitable transitional word.
    Karenis rich; ________, her cousin Kate is poor.
    1. therefore
    2. however
    3. otherwise
    4. on the contrary
  53. To improve organizational communication, ________ need to recognize and overcome communication barriers.
    1. subordinates
    2. directors
    3. managers
    4. employers
  54. Using specific facts and figures helps in securing the ________ of a message.
    1. conciseness
    2. concreteness
    3. consideration
    4. clarity
  55. An underlying goal of all technical and scientific writing is to get the reader to trust the writer's ________.
    1. credibility
    2. authority
    3. authenticity
    4. honesty
  56. In report writing, a ________ is a declarative sentence which summarizes the specific topic and goals of a document.
    1. purpose statement
    2. thesis statement
    3. topic sentence
    4. concluding sentence
  57. Choose appropriate preposition to fill in the blank:
    Did the doctor look ________ your leg?
    1. over
    2. through
    3. at
    4. on
  58. Which of the following statements is part of persuasion in oral presentation?
    1. To explain a process of some topic
    2. To inform the audience of some new theory of learning
    3. To explain the marketing strategy
    4. Gaining willing acceptance of an idea
  59. Documents that are meant to 'enact' something include authorizationmemoranda and ________.
    1. resumes
    2. acceptance letters
    3. recommendation letters
    4. inquiry letters
  60. While communicating, do not leave your audience in ________.
    1. appreciation
    2. doubt
    3. awe
    4. wonder
  61. Which of the three components is part of the human communication process?
    1. Feedback, message, critiguing
    2. Message, recording, feedback
    3. Message, noise, feedback
    4. Noise, feedback, jargon
  62. Which one of the following establishes a series of observations and emphasizes each element?
    1. Exemplification
    2. Analysis
    3. Enumeration
    4. Comparison and contrast
  63. Which change can make the sentence correct?
    "Both an essay and a paragraph is required for successful graduation."
    1. Change "is" to "are"
    2. Change "is" to "will being"
    3. Change "is required" to "would have been requiring"
    4. Change "is required" to "had requiring"
  64. Which type of letter can be used as a legal document to show the transaction between the customer and vendor?
    1. Order letter
    2. Transmittal letter
    3. Request letter
    4. Inquiry letter
  65. Choose the correct option from the following.
    Letters of ________ are typically related to employment, admissions to institutions of higher education or scholarship eligibility.
    1. references
    2. inquiry
    3. recommendation
    4. job application
  66. If a memo is typed by a person other rhan the memo writer, ________ should be used.
    1. a company logo
    2. a personal stamp
    3. reference initials
    4. signature line
  67. Choose the correct option from the following:
    An Order letter is also known as a ________ or purchase order letter. It begins the paper trail of a specific purchase.
    1. OL
    2. LO
    3. PO
    4. OP
  68. In the recommendation section of an empirical report, the writer answers the reader's question "What is the significance of the results?"
    1. True
    2. False
  69. The basic purpose of ________ is to clarify the meaning of words when voice or "body language" causes are removed.
    1. writing style
    2. grammar
    3. punctuation
    4. punctuation and grammar
  70. Sarah washed the apples ________ them in the fridge.
    1. , and put
    2. ; and put
    3. , she put
    4. and put
  71. During the purpose of the document helps the writer to ________.
    1. establish a channel and medium
    2. focus on the content
    3. respond to the audience
    4. All of the given
  72. Narration follows a ________ pattern of development in paragraph writing.
    1. hap hazard
    2. chronological
    3. random
    4. alternative
  73. ________ is considered to be the best attitude in business environment.
    1. We-attitude
    2. You-attitude
    3. I-attitude
    4. None of the given
  74. The ________ of the message contents for both the sender and receiver ensures success.
    1. exactness
    2. wordiness
    3. thoughtlessness
    4. recklessness
  75. Phantom readers are called ________ readers.
    1. fake
    2. unnamed
    3. named
    4. original
  76. Which of the following is one of the supplementary parts of a report?
    1. Summary
    2. Bibliography
    3. Conclusion
    4. Recommendations
  77. To show the relative proportions of a whole, you would use a ________.
    1. bar graph.
    2. line graph.
    3. diagram.
    4. pie chart.
  78. The concept of time is ________ specific.
    1. space
    2. location
    3. culture
    4. person
  79. ________ are the verifiable pieces of information that you gathered.
    1. Recommendations
    2. Discussion
    3. Needs
    4. Facts
  80. Readers consisting of diverse groups with widely varying backgrounds and responsibilities can be named ________ readers.
    1. Primary
    2. Complex
    3. Phantom
    4. Future
  81. Feedback can come in the form of ________.
    1. Environmental noise
    2. Nonverbal communication only
    3. Verbal and nonverbal listener responses
    4. Verbal communication only
  82. While writing a document, include extensive explanations of your conclusions if your audience ________.
    1. has a trust relationship with you
    2. does not consider you an expert
    3. is easily convincible
    4. considers you credible
  83. Creativity is a measure of your believability based on how much trust you evoke and how reliable you are.
    1. True
    2. False
  84. ________ people.
    1. respectable
    2. notorious
    3. wealthy
    4. worthless
  85. Briefing, goodwill, information and report are part of ________ speaking.
    1. informative
    2. public
    3. analytical
    4. persuasive
  86. Which of the following is synonymous to 'implicit'?
    1. unambiguous
    2. hidden
    3. precise
    4. specific
  87. Which of the following guidelines does not ensure completeness in a message?
    1. Provide all necessary information.
    2. Eliminate wordy expressions.
    3. Answer all questions asked.
    4. Give something extra, only when desired.
  88. When you turn your ideas into a message, you are the ________.
    1. receiver
    2. encoder
    3. decoder
    4. analyzer
  89. Which selection is correctly punctuated?
    1. I tried to respond to: his questions, and answers.
    2. I tried to respond to his questions, and answers.
    3. I tried to respond to his questions and answers.
    4. I tried to respond to: his questions and answers.
  90. Why important observations, suggestions, or objections should be written?
    1. To persuade the reader
    2. To create permanent records
    3. To make communication more effective
    4. All of the given
  91. Which of the following characteristic is essential while defining communication?
    1. Receiving
    2. Interpreting
    3. Sharing
    4. Sending
  92. Complex readers are the readers who may use your communication after months or even years later.
    1. True
    2. False
  93. Fill in the blank with a suitable interrogative pronoun.
    ________ do you consider to be better teacher?
    1. Whom
    2. Whose
    3. Who
    4. Which
  94. ________ use their voices (pitch, rhythm, stress) and bodies to communicate their message.
    1. Writers
    2. Speaker
  95. An effective oral presentation is carefully planned with your objectives in mind and pays close attention to the ________.
    1. Demands of your audience
    2. Reader questions
    3. Professional objectives
    4. None of above
  96. To communicate effectively, one should develop not only skills, but also a ________ with others.
    1. Sense of empathy
    2. Sense of humor
    3. Sense of understanding
    4. All of the given
  97. In order to explain the importance of research to your readers, it's harmful to state the relevance of your research to your organization's goals.
    1. True
    2. False
  98. In ________ writer introduces the established facts and theories that are relevant to the writer's work.
    1. Literature Review
    2. Discussion
    3. Introduction
    4. Objectives
  99. Generally speaking, in business we communicate ________.
    1. only to persuade
    2. only to entertain
    3. to both persuade and inform
    4. only to inform
  100. Common implicit goals are to establish a relationship, create trust and establish credibility, and ________.
    1. give instructions
    2. persuade the reader
    3. document actions
    4. to enact
  101. Which of the following statements is more 'Vivid'?
    1. This is a long better
    2. The length of the letter doesn't meet your claim.
    3. This letter is three times as long as you said it would be
    4. All of the given
  102. Identify the statement which should NOT be included in 'NECESSARY DETAILS' section of a positive message.
    1. Provide buffer statement.
    2. Satisfy reader's information needs.
    3. Reinforce positive tone.
    4. Emphasize positive aspects of the news.
  103. What is the main purpose of seven C's business communication?
    1. To communicate easily and effectively with your readers
    2. To improve non verbal skills
    3. To avoid unnecessary repetition
    4. To eliminate personal view
  104. Courtesy means not only thinking about receiver but also valuing his ________.
    1. Feeling
    2. Proposal
    3. Goodwill
    4. All of the given
  105. The reactions of a colleague or a prospective customer to an incomplete answer are likely to be ________.
    1. unfavorable
    2. furious
    3. upset
    4. violent
  106. Which one of the following is TRUE in business or professional world?
    1. We should let the company just run smoothly and see where it gets without setting the objective.
    2. Nothing runs without a plan and a plan cannot run without having its objetives set.
    3. Stating the objective at the very outset can de-motivate the leaders and their teams if they fail to achieve the desired goals
    4. All of the given
  107. A letter of authorization is included in ________ of a report.
    1. Prefatory parts
    2. Introductory parts
    3. Ending parts
    4. Supplementary parts
  108. A clear problem statement and a preliminary outline play an important part in cultivating document accuracy.
    1. True
    2. False
  109. The result of market research is called ________.
    1. requirement specifications
    2. functional specifications
    3. design specifications
    4. test specifications
  110. A ________ is a suggestion separate from usual defination of a word.
    1. denotation
    2. description
    3. connotation
    4. specification
  111. Mark the following statement as True or false.
    The table of contents provides an outline of analysis reports for readers who do not wish to read the entire report.
    1. True
    2. False
  112. ________ carry out the decisions that have been made.
    1. Implementers
    2. Decision makers
    3. Advisors
    4. All of the given
  113. Don't worry what other people think ________.
    1. just take no note of them
    2. just take no sign of them
    3. just take no hint of them
    4. just take no notice of them
  114. Identify the most concise statement from the given options.
    1. We appreciate the confidence you have reposed in us.
    2. We appreciate your confidence.
    3. We want to tell you that your confidence is appreciated.
    4. Your confidence is appreciated by us.
  115. Word choice plays a major role in ________. You should use directly worded sentences to promote this type of clarity.
    1. structural clarity
    2. stylistic clarity
    3. technical clarity
    4. contextual clarity
  116. In the communicationprocess, a receiver is ________.
    1. A message pathway
    2. Message interference
    3. The person who encodes an idea
    4. The person who decodes a message
  117. True courtesy involves being aware not only of the perspectives of others, but also their ________.
    1. mood
    2. emotion
    3. feelings
    4. tone
  118. It is better to state your document's objective at/in the ________.
    1. end
    2. beginning
    3. middle
    4. last line

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